Marc R. Blumenfeld
Deputy Chairman
Education Officer Zurich Centre
Marc R. Blumenfeld
Marc Blumenfeld is the founder of Alithis. A modern service provider based in Zurich in the field of compliance, regulatory and legal affairs with profound expertise in the areas of trust and non-profit organizations.
He is a Swiss attorney who graduated from the University of Zurich with a law degree and from the Law Faculty of National University of Singapore (NUS) with a Master of Laws (LL.M.) in Comparative and International Public Law.
Marc has over 10 years of experience in the wealth planning, trustee and corporate services business working for independent and bank-owned trustees. He is specialised in Trusts and other private wealth structures, Foundations, non-profit organisations and social enterprises, Associations and other sports organisations, International transactions, AML, FATCA, CRS, Cross border, Governance and outsourcings, Data protection, Internal and regulatory investigations.
Marc was admitted as a Full Member of STEP in 2019 after receiving his TEP Diploma.
Alithis AG
Dufourstrasse 105
CH-8008 Zürich
T +41 (0)44 520 40 11
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